The Open Minded Meditation Seat

Get the first ever model of The Open Minded Meditation Seat! The latest advancements in meditation seat technology with built in Bluetooth and vibrating plates

Key Features of The OMMS

Soft floor mat to place your seat on

Internal vibrating plates for relaxation

Built in bluetooth speakers

Scent pouch (scents purchased separately)

Access to our curated meditation playlist on Spotify

Recommended by occupational therapists

Shop with our launch range


Hear from our users

I have been under some added stress of late, a friend offered me their OMMs to see if it would help me with sleeping. OMG, I have only started practising meditation and I find it a little difficult to completely relax my mind. The OMMs relaxed my body almost instantly.  Closing my eyes, having the sounds and the scent was as if I was sitting in a field, the soft vibration was just an added calm that helped me relax. I found the full experience unlike anything I have felt before, my mind was open and my body relaxed.I have since purchased my own and use it daily in my routine, I can not describe fully how the OMMs has benefited my everyday life, a must purchase.

Tina- Police Officer

I have lower back and knee pain, I was very hesitant to try the OMMS but it had come highly recommended from my OT. It may look a little awkward to be seated with legs crossed, but for me it was perfect, even after a 20 minute meditation I was able to get up and go about my day, very surprised. The experience of having the sounds, the smells at the same time was fantastic, for me the lower vibration added a feel of calmness. I will be asking my OT how I go about getting assistance to purchase one for home. 

Tracey- Retired 

WOW, what an experience........Since lockdowns I have been working from home, the added stress was something I was finding difficult to manage. I have tried a number of ways to meditate but I find it can be a little difficult at times to control my mind. The OMMs is a game changer for me, having a destination in the house to actually go, sit and take 5 was unbelievable. The sounds/smell and slight vibration means I am almost instantly calm. I bluetoothed a meditation of wind through trees with birds meditation and I had eucalyptus scent at the same time. I would have sworn I was sitting in the Australian Bush somewhere, but when i opened my eyes I was still in the studio, what an experience
